Open Concept vs. Traditional Rooms: What’s Best for Your Lifestyle?

When designing a new home or renovating an existing one, one of the fundamental decisions you’ll face is choosing between an open concept layout and a more traditional room design. At Big Hills House Plans, we offer a wide range of both luxury home House Plans and house house plans that cater to different lifestyles and personal preferences. Understanding the benefits and potential drawbacks of each design can help you make an informed decision that best suits your needs.

Understanding Open Concept Layouts

The Appeal of Open Spaces

Open concept layouts feature few or no barriers such as walls or doors between major living areas, typically the kitchen, living room, and dining room. This design promotes a greater sense of togetherness and improves traffic flow, making it ideal for those who entertain frequently or have large families.

Pros of Open Concept Designs:

  • Enhanced Social Interaction: Encourages communication and interaction among family members.
  • Better Natural Light: Allows light to flow freely throughout the space, making it feel brighter and larger.
  • Increased Versatility: Provides flexible use of space, accommodating everything from quiet family dinners to large gatherings.

Considerations for Open Concept Living

  • Noise and Smells: Sound and odors travel more freely in open spaces, which can be a drawback for some families.
  • Privacy: Offers less privacy compared to homes with traditional room layouts.

Exploring Traditional Room Designs

The Charm of Defined Spaces

Traditional room designs, or closed concepts, have distinct rooms separated by walls and doors. This style is often favored for its ability to maintain privacy and reduce noise travel between rooms.

Pros of Traditional Room Designs:

  • Privacy: Allows family members to engage in different activities without disturbing others.
  • Clutter Concealment: Easier to hide clutter or unfinished projects in separate rooms.
  • Decorative Diversity: Each room can be decorated with a different theme or style without affecting the flow of other spaces.

Considerations for Traditional Layouts

  • Space Utilization: May feel cramped or dark due to the segmented layout.
  • Social Interaction: Can limit interaction among family members during daily activities.

What’s Best for Your Lifestyle?

Choosing between an open concept and a traditional room layout depends largely on your personal needs and lifestyle.

Considerations for Choosing a Layout

  • Family Dynamics: Large, active families might benefit from open spaces, while families valuing quiet and individual activities might prefer traditional layouts.
  • Entertaining Needs: Frequent hosts may find open concept layouts more accommodating for gatherings.
  • Aesthetic Preferences: Some people prefer the cozy, intimate feelings that traditional rooms provide, while others enjoy the airy, inclusive feel of open plans.

Customizing Your House Plan

At Big Hills House Plans, we understand that every family is unique. We offer customization services for all our House Plans to ensure that your home perfectly matches your vision. Whether you lean towards an open layout or prefer traditional spaces, our team can adapt any plan to meet your specific requirements.


Whether you choose an open concept or a traditional room layout, the decision should align with how you live and interact within your space. At Big Hills House Plans, we are dedicated to helping you choose or customize a House Plan that enhances your lifestyle, maximizes comfort, and fulfills your aesthetic vision. Explore our diverse array of luxury House Plans today to find the perfect design for your new home.

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    When you purchase a set of plans, you are purchasing a license to build. This license gives you the right to construct one house from these drawings. To build the house more than once, modify or copy without express written permission, violates this copyright.


    Plans purchased shall be in compliance with generally accepted zoning principles. These zoning principles may or may not be the same as the zoning laws and regulations in the locale where Customer will construct the plans. Our plans are designed to meet most national building codes at the time they were originally drawn. Many states and counties amend the codes for their area. It is the responsibility of the purchaser and/or builder to see that the structure is built to meet the codes of your area. Customer hereby indemnifies and holds America's Best House Plans, Inc., its principals, employees and agents, harmless from any claim, loss or liability resulting from the failure of the plans to comply with local zoning laws or regulations or for any other breach of this Agreement attributable in whole or in part to Customer or its builder.

    Because local codes and regulations and even methods of construction vary across the nation and internationally, certain alternative planning may be necessary to adapt the plan to your area. For this reason heating and plumbing are not included with our plans. You should be able to meet with these subcontractors to select and plan the system that is most appropriate for your area. Some municipalities may require plan review by a licensed Architect or Structural Engineer of your area. After plan purchase from the Сustomer is responsible for additional expenses incurred through meeting municipality requirements or other requirements for construction.